Building a fully local LLM voice assistant to control my smart home

I’ve had my days with Siri and Google Assistant. While they have the ability to control your devices, they cannot be customized and inherently rely on cloud services. In hopes of learning something new and having something cool I could use in my life, I decided I want better. The premises are simple: I want my new assistant to be sassy and sarcastic. I want everything running local. No exceptions. There is no reason for my coffee machine downstairs to talk to a server on the other side of the country....

January 13, 2024 · 16 min · 3291 words

Self-hosting and NAT Loopback

When I started hosting my services, I quickly ran into a major problem. Everything was timing out, but it was somehow working just fine when I was not connected to my home network! So turns out, this was because my router does not support what’s called NAT Loopback (also called NAT Hairpinning). Like many things you’ll see in production, the 32-bit address space of IPv4 was meant to be for a prototype....

May 14, 2023 · 5 min · 911 words